**Workload portability **: write your app once and deploy it anyware. This is achieved by abstracting away cluster details and decoupling the infra from the apps.
Pods and replicaSets abstract compute and memory very well, but what about state ?
P1: Containers are ephemeral (data is lost if the container crashes).
P2: Containers can’t share data between them.
Challenges with abstracting storage:
So many different types of storage:
Object storage
SQL databases
NoSQL databases
Pub/Sub systems
Time series databases
File Storage
Block Storage
File on Block
K8s dev focus on the following types because the data path is standardized (Posix, ISCSI)
File Storage
Block Storage
File on Block
Volume and Volume Plugins
The way K8s abstracts away the storage part is by using Volume plugins. They specify:
How the volume is setup in the pod
Medium that backs it.
Volume have a lifetime same as the pod’s or longer.
There are 5 categories or volume plugins that k8s supports:
Remote storage:
AWS ebs
Ephemeral Storage:
Expose k8s API
Downward API
Local Persistent Volumes (Beta)
Flex (exec a Binary)
CSI (Beta)
Host Path
Ephemeral Storage
Referenced in-line, not via PV/PVC.
Volumes that expose k8s API objects are based on emptyDirs
Remote Storage
Can be referenced using PV/PVC.
PV/PVC decouples volumes implementation (PV) from their consumption (PVC)
PVs can be provisioned statically or dynamically using Storage Classes.
Host Paths
Host paths are to use with caution. Never use them unless you know what you are doing.
One use case is to use them along with Node Affinity to keep some stateful apps in some nodes.
Local Persistent Volume
They expose a local block or file as PV.
2 use cases:
Building distributed storage systems on top of k8s
Building high performance caching.
The volume plugins are in tree i.e. they live inside k8s codebase.
Powerful abstraction for block and file storage.
Automate Provisioning.
Storage portability (PV/PVC)
There are two iniative of bringing storage out of k8s code tree:
CSI (Container Storage Interface): Plugins may be containerized.
Flex Volumes: exec based i.e. binaries that need to be installed on the nodes (slave and master). It needs Master access.